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3 out of 4 safety seats are not used properly
Contact our office to make an appointment for a seat check or to rent a car seat
715-341-SEAT (7328) or
If you are expecting a child, we HIGHLY recommend you make an appointment
BEFORE your due date.
Personalized help installing car seat(s) in your vehicle
Seat checked for recalls and/or expiration
Answer questions concerning car seat safety laws & next steps for your child's safety
AAA Sammy the Squirrel Program
Sammy the Squirrel focuses on the importance of correct belt-positioning for booster seats
Offered to area 4K & Day Care programs in Central Wisconsin
Bike Helmet Safety
135 children are killed each year as bicyclists. Helmet use can reduce the risk of head injury by 85 percent and severe brain injury by 88 percent. (SafeKidsWI)
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